04 January 2024

What's it like to be a member of an Ivy League university's secret society?

If sworn to secrecy, such individuals are unlikely to answer, even as Anon on Quora.

We know that some of these societies exist e.g. Skull & Bones. My father was at Yale in the 1940s and told me that it existed, not that he knew more about it than someone who never went to school there. 

I went to Wharton, 50 years later. University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League school but generally considered a lesser one. There was a rumor, never anything documented that I ever read, of a secret society for the 2nd year MBA's. 

It worked in the usual way: A fixed number of students, maybe 15 or 16, were asked to join each year. They were the "power elite" of Wharton Business School, and passed their spot on to successors upon graduation, but remained affiliated throughout their working lives. Only men were members, in keeping with tradition. I forgot the name of it, don't know if it even existed, or was just something UPenn students made up, so they would have a secret society of their own, like the other Ivy League schools!

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